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About CheckStart  >  Case Studies  >  No Experts, No Consultants, and No Training

No Experts, No Consultants, and No Training

An outside consultant organized a focus group on the use of assessment technology in business. Each company selected for the panel had used some type of assessment instrument and was convinced of the value of that particular product.

Two of the companies used 5th and 6th Generation instruments, representing the most advanced tools available. Some were extremely sophisticated, supplying remarkably detailed data, which with expert help or after substantial training, provided superb information driving all sorts of business decisions. The companies using these products praised them and cited numerous examples of their value. Their use however, was limited to hiring sales and executive positions, with the products being considered too expensive for use with all positions. Furthermore, because of the training that was necessary to fully understand the information produced by this instrument, the reports were only available to those managers who had completed the training programs on the assessments. These were conducted periodically by outside experts at significant expense. Still, the companies were enthusiastic about the value of the product.

HermanCheckStart was used by two of the participating companies. Both companies hired for all positions using HermanCheckStart information as part of the selection process. The HermanCheckStart report was then used to plan an appropriate training and development program for the new employee. The manager or supervisor used the HermanCheckStart report to shortcut their learning curve with the new employee, and together they used it as a coaching tool. Both companies had received and installed HermanCheckStart with no support or training.

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